Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Yep, that's actually shit I say

By this point in your life, you have probably seen the "Shit girls say" youtbe videos. When I first watched the videos, I just had to laugh. They were pretty funny and kind of dead on. I have watched them at least 5 times each...

Since watching them (and my boyfriend calling me out EVERY time I ask "Can you do me a favor?" - xoxo love dove!) I became very aware of what I say in everyday life. It just so happens that I probably say between 5 and 10 phrases from these videos per day. That is not OK. Actually, it is. I am a girl. I talk alot. A-L-O-T. We all do. In fact, we talk so much that we talk just to say something, even if it doesn't fit into the conversation.

And just so you know... Yes, it IS hummus!

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