Wednesday, December 28, 2011

So this is what being an adult is all about...

Well Christmas has come and gone, just like it does every year. Such a build up for a fabulous (or not so fabulous) time with family and friends, just to wake up the next day and realize every radio station has stopped playing Christmas music, you look around the neighborhood to see a few pine trees at the curbs of your neighbors homes, ornaments are packed away, Christmas cards are stored away for the season... this is the time of year that just makes me so thankful for all the fabulous people I have in my life... gosh I couldn't be more lucky!

I got everything I wanted for Christmas and more! The best part of the Holiday this year is the super cute guy I have had my eye on for well over a year got to be a part of the festivities :) I guess this is his official hood shout out... xo.

Well not only did I get everything I wanted, I also had an unwelcome present this year... A COLD. I have not been sick in about a year. And the last time I was sick, I was really sick. Bronchitis... it took a month to recover. I have always been a super trooper when it comes to handling a cold, but this one has really taken me down. I have never been a bigger baby until this moment!

Well apparently when you're all grown up, you only have you to take care of.. well, you. And I have been doing a grand job! Not without complaining to everyone in my path though. Picked up all sorts of cold and cough medicine, cough drops, tea, and ingredients to make the most delicious chicken noodle soup ever. It warmed me right to my soul. So, now I am on the road to recovery! I can just feel it! However next time I am asking for a little help from that handsome stud boyfriend of mine ;)

Good night... it's time for some rest! I need to recover in time for the next big festivities - NYE!

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