Thursday, November 25, 2021

Grateful, Thankful, Blessed

Happy Thanksgiving! 

I haven’t written in over a year and it feels strange and amazing, and also like no time has passed at all. 

I always feel so grateful and thankful for my family and friends and this year it’s increased tenfold. We would not have been able to get through this year without your love, support, calls, messages, prayers, food and visits. I hope you all know how much each and every one of you means to us 🧡 

I’m incredibly thankful and grateful for our son, Braeden. What a blessing he is in our lives! You’d never know he spent over a month in the NICU, initially admitted for his CHD Ebstein’s Anomoly. He had a longer stay because he developed NEC, seizures, a brain bleed, a stroke, needed a blood transfusion, stopped breathing twice. It was a LOT. How absolutely lucky we are that he’s the strongest little fighter, and the absolute happiest, goofiest baby! 

I’m thankful for my husband, especially during our time with B in the NICU. He was strong for me when I needed him, and I did the same when he needed me. His hair is amazing - the man bun is looking real good these days! He’s grounded and my voice of reason and sounding board. And so handsome to boot! 

I’m thankful for our dog Tully, she’s so gentle with Braeden. She’s taken a backseat since baby B has been home and while it’s inevitable, it does make me feel guilty. So we celebrate her as often as we can! 

Im thankful for the community we live in, and all our neighbors who’ve turned into friends. All the laughs, wine nights, events and fires (don’t worry, it’s just solo stove) 🔥 

I’m incredibly grateful to our care team while we were in the NICU. They celebrated all the little wins with us, shared hugs and support when we got hard news and overall just helped keep us sane. 

I had a chance to read a note from a friend today about being truly intentional in your daily life, and I have tried hard since earlier this year and will continue to be more intentional every day, share gratitude and pay forward all the love and support you’ve all shown to us this past year.