Thursday, December 5, 2019

Empty Glass

2019 has been one emotional roller coaster after another. It started off amazingly! We spent time with good friends in Las Vegas for the New Year. Then again for the most amazing wedding in Mexico in February. 

We started the journey to add to our family in May - I had been off my MS medication for three months. I thought I knew what I was in for, but the reality of this year has cut into my soul deeper than I thought possible. How tough was I?!?! Someone that could handle anything thrown at her. My friends and family continuously tell me how strong I am. 

But this year has cracked my foundation. I'm not strong. I'm not undefeated. I'm not tough. Let's talk about it. 

New MS lesion activity. The first active lesion in 4 years. 

Pregnancy. Exciting and terrifying! 


Decision time: 4 options.

  1. Continue to try without DMD 
  2. Continue to try with a low risk DMD 
  3. Continue to try with a high risk DMD that will better regulate MS symptoms and progress but potentially cause injury to myself and fetus
  4. Stop trying and continue with previous medication
All while also considering how many children we want to have - it may be just one. Not a decision that needs to be made today, but should be soon. No pressure. 

So, let's talk about the photo. It's the drug I am considering right now, if I decide to go back on a DMD. Copaxone is a small synthetic protein, made to mimic a fragment of myelin. It consists of four amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, that are found in myelin.

It's the safest DMD to start taking while trying to conceive. Also. WTF is a DMD right?! DMD = Disease Modifying Drug. 

In the smallest amount of time, we have our entire future to decide. Give us all the good juju. My glass is empty, and it needs some good vibes <3

Sunday, September 8, 2019


It's been about a month since the miscarriage. I'm still unsure on how to feel, so let's blog about it. Writing is one of my favorite things and helps me get my feelings out.

The first week following the loss was the hardest of my life. The entire process of being pregnant was so exciting, then all of a sudden it's not... It's so confusing. After the doctor tells you the news, you have 3 options. I picked the second one... and all of a sudden, I'm carrying a dead fetus for a week before we can separate. Bonding with something no longer alive, but something I am so scared to lose. Walking in a deep fog every single day like a zombie. Pretending to be happy and OK when I was severely NOT OK.  Actually having the miscarriage was painful both physically and emotionally. They never prepared me for the fact I'd have contractions. Contractions. For two hours. 

During that week, I questioned everything. Is the Doctor sure the baby didn't have a heartbeat? What did I do to deserve this? Should I have been a nicer person? Did I do something wrong? I've already had to endure so much as a young women. Why is this happening to me? 

Let's talk about something: Honesty. This is super difficult to write about but I feel like it'll help me and help others. Especially because I don't consider myself to be overly sensitive. 

I love the fact that so many of my friends and family have wonderful tiny humans in their lives. I love hearing stories about their milestones. I love you and your families. 

But it is not easy to hear about all of this going through such a loss. Every mention of your amazing child reminds me of the tiny human I saw on that sad ultrasound that I will never get to meet. Every first... when they roll over. Their first step. Every time they wake you up in the middle of the night crying.

To my very core, I believe that we will get to have the experience of having a family. No matter how it shakes out, we will get there. Don't stop sharing your stories. My replies will become longer than just heart emojis <3 and "Awe". 

Sunday, August 11, 2019


Last week Monday, we were preparing to go in for our first prenatal appointment. I was 9.5 weeks pregnant. We had found out just about a month earlier and our daydreams were going wild: baby names! nursery themes! announcing to family and friends! daycares!

I was uncomfortable. I had every pregnancy symptom you can imagine, outside of nausea. How thankful I was to feel the start of this tiny human growing inside me. We did it! 

My journey has not been an easy one. I have Multiple Sclerosis and this makes planning a family very unsexy and very schedule based. Go off medication for a minimum of two months before you start to try. We were in Mexico earlier this year when I went off my medication, so two month minimum per my neurologist, three month minimum per my OB to make sure Zika would not be a threat. Planning so heavily is not sexy but we tried to make it fun.

That's when I got the first blow. I went in for an MRI to monitor my MS progress. For the first time in 3 years, I had new disease activity. The race to get pregnant was on. 

It happened quickly and I felt so grateful and thankful that we did for a multitude of reasons! Firstly, because I was going to be a mom! We are going to start a family! Secondly, because MS goes into remission with pregnancy. So I no longer had to worry about getting "sick" until after the baby, which was common and I could be more prepared. 

We started imaging our new life - and I started a ridiculous pinterest baby board! I scheduled the first appointment with my doctor after we got the positive pregnancy test. I took two just to be sure! 

Fast forward to Monday August 5th. Josh and I go in for the first appointment. I was nervous and excited! We were finally going to see our baby! I was so excited to see that little flutter of a heartbeat. We stare anxiously at the screen waiting for the show to start. She is looking, looking... and finally said, "We must be off on timing of conception. I see something but it looks smaller than what I'd expect" 

She sent us to imaging. After two more ultrasounds, we finally got to see our little one. It was so tiny, but I can't tell based on a screen what the normal size should be. There wasn't movement. I thought maybe... just maybe it was still too early. So I asked the ultrasound tech if it was too early to see a heartbeat. She said "I'll have the doctor explain everything to you." 

We sat for an hour for the OB to read all the ultrasounds. She finally came in and said she had some news. My heart is racing, my palms are sweaty and I slightly feel like I am going to be sick. She told us "At this point in the pregnancy, there should be a visible heartbeat. And there is not. This is a miscarriage."

It suddenly felt like all the oxygen left the room. I was in shock. I couldn't breath. I didn't believe her. The next 30 minutes were fucking horrible. I wanted to just be at home in my bed. 

Apparently, miscarriage is common. One in 4 women will have a miscarriage in the first trimester. But why do I feel so alone in this? 

I've gone through a few stages of grief. Quite noticeably. Denial was strong but brief - it came and left while I was at the doctor's office. Are you sure the baby isn't alive? How could I let my husband down like this? Now I'm angry. I am so angry that anyone has to go through this. I am angry because I will most likely experience an aggressive MS relapse not once, but twice because of the miscarriage. I am angry because these are three months we won't be able to try starting a family. I am angry at my selfish thoughts. I am not a depressed person, but I can feel that my world is just not the same right now. I don't feel like myself and I am not sure how I can get back to that point. I feel like I'm putting on this fake smile and act. 

I am also scared. I still have a baby inside of me. This tiny bit of tissue is still a part of me. I'm scared to lose it but at the same time I can't wait until it's gone so the reminder isn't constantly in my head. I am ready for relief and the ability to start the process of moving on.

Josh and I are beyond lucky because our support network has really been there for us. Every kind word and gesture has not gone unnoticed. It has helped us along in our healing process, which isn't over yet but it feels much more in reach. Thank you to everyone. We are so lucky to know each of you. 

I want to have this conversation and talk about it so others don't feel so alone. Talking about this has gotten me through the worst week. I know things will get better. It is not a pretty conversation and there will be more tears. Or maybe the tears won't come. If you can be a shoulder or listening ear, do it immediately. You have no idea how much it will mean to someone to just listen.